Lean Time Management is a hands-on interactive virtual one-day course to explore and identify solutions to the root causes of why we are so busy. Participants leave with a plan to help them free up time in their schedule — targeting 10 – 12 hours per week.
Traditional time management workshops tend to deal only with symptoms, i.e. how can I get more done in a day?
A Lean/Systems Thinking approach addresses not just symptoms, but also root causes: “Am I doing work that is low-value?”, “Have I taken on too many priorities?”, “Do I say yes too easily?” and “How much of my work is rework, or failure demand?”
This course addresses both causes and symptoms to allow participants to free up time in their calendar so they can focus on the work that matters most to achieving their objectives.
Combining theory with practical, proven approaches and tools, this course aims to enable participants to: