Ever feel like that ever-growing backlog of unstarted or unfinished files has a life of its own? It can be hard to make progress on it, especially while clients keep calling, new requests come in and staff are busy creating backlog reports. You bring in temporary help to try to fix the problem but it doesn’t work, and you’re left with low staff morale and an even larger backlog. If only you could blow up that backlog.
You can. Lean thinking can help you identify and eliminate wastes in a process so that you can finally break the cycle of backlogs and prevent them for re-occurring.
Taking a Lean approach highlights how backlogs can form and grow as a result of three main categories of waste.
These concepts are explored in detail in an article we wrote for Canadian Government Executive Magazine referencing real-life impact of these wastes and tips on how to deal with them.
The following graphic is a useful summary to see how Lean thinking can help you identify how and where you could begin to eliminate backlogs at your organization.
Seddon, J. (2019, October 28). Failure Demand: John Seddon Vanguard Consulting. Vanguard. https://vanguard-method.net/failure-demand/
Nudge Theory. ( 2012 April 12) In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nudge_theory